Developing an understanding of the theory of innovation

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Article on Organisation feedback

This article talks about how immediate feedback loops provide signals to allow fast training and immediate response to decisions. Lather, Rinse, Repeat...

How does this equate to disruption and innovation theory?
  1. Incumbents are going to be receiving feedback for their most profitable and likely most demanding customers via dedicated sales managers. Big clients have their own client (sales) managers. Other signals will be ignored due to the lack of profit potential both for the company and the salesman.
  2. Startups will be receiving feedback from whoever tries their product or service and sees potential for solving a problem they have.
  3. Flatter, leaning companies will receive feedback (outlined in the article) faster and more importantly learn faster than large companies with inflexible process and systems.
Have Fun


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


It has been a while between drinks. I will continue the case study of databases with some charts when I have time.

It is interesting watching the incumbents response to the open source/freeware databases MySQL and PostgreSQL, both are still pursuing the most demanding customers or trying to compete against the new competitors but from a cost structure setup up for the most demanding customers.

Have Fun